Broadway Series. Bway looking north from Exchange Place showing east side of street. Picture was taken from the second floor fire-escape of No. 53 Bway.
Broadway Series. Bway looking south from Dey and John Street. Taken from a fire escape - second floor near Fulton St. This picture shows the west side of Bway.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of Bway. Picture was taken while standing on the corner of Cedar Street, looking toward Liberty at left. No. 149 on corner of Liberty Street.
Broadway Series. Looking north from a scaffold at Leonard Street, showing west side of Bway. At the left is shown the corner of Franklin Street, and then a good idea of the building for these blocks f
Broadway Series. Looking north from Vesey Street showing west side of Bway. Astor Building, and Old Astor Hotel on left, then Woolworth Building. Corner of post office shows at right. Street level vie
Broadway Series. West side of street looking north. Picture was taken from a scaffold that stood in front of No. 32, which was on the east side of street. The flag is over the entrance of No. 41.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Reade Street. On the far corner is the Tobacco Growers Building, and then follows Brill and Sonora. View was taken from a fire escape, and shows the west side of st
Broadway Series. View of the west side of Bway, looking north from Howard Street. The Globe-Wernicke Building is No. 451. Grand Street is seen in the middle distance at right.
Broadway Series. View looking north showing west side of street. Taken at street level from corner of Fulton Street.
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking south from near Bleecker toward Houston Street. Young's Hats on corner.
Broadway Series. View taken at street level looking north from Murray Street, the corner of which is seen at left. No. 249 and Corn Exchange Bank on corner. West side of Bway, facing City Hall Park. T
Broadway Series. Looking north from Liberty Street, showing east side of Bway. Guarantee Trust Company (columns) at right on corner of Maiden Lane.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 14th Street. Picture taken from scaffold. Union Square West. Metropolitan Life Tower in far distance at extreme right.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Franklin Street. East side of Bway. Royal Typewriters on the corner of Franklin at right of picture. Remington Typewriters in center of picture at corner of White S
Broadway Series. View of the west side of Bway looking south from Broome Street. The tall, narrow building almost in center of picture is on corner of Grand Street. The 4th building from the right of
Broadway Series. Looking north showing the west side of Broadway from 20th Street. No. 903 is on corner at the left. Flatiron Building is seen in center of picture and a part of Madison Square.
Broadway Series. West side of street looking north from No. 32 on east side of street.
Broadway Series. View of west side of Broadway, looking north from 10th Street. Picture was taken from Wanamaker's fire escape. St. Denis Hotel is seen at corner of 11th Street.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Exchange Place. East side of Bway Custom House on Bowling Green in the distance. Standard Oil Building at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north, showing west side of street. Picture taken from in front of Marine and Commerce building (No. 32). At the left, where the flag flies over the doorway is No. 41, where s