Broadway Series. View looking south from 18th Street taken from 3rd floor fire escape. 17th Street foreground, and Union Square in center.
Broadway Series. View taken from 2nd floor fire escape of Broadway, looking north from 26th Street, showing east side of Bway.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 14th Street. Picture taken from scaffold. Union Square West. Metropolitan Life Tower in far distance at extreme right.
Broadway Series. Bway looking south from Dey and John Street. Taken from a fire escape - second floor near Fulton St. This picture shows the west side of Bway.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north from 13th Street (east side of street). At right is No. 842 Rogers Peat Building. Following on is 14th Street at the corner of Bway and 14th, and facing Union Squar
Broadway Series. View looking north from 26th Street showing east side of Broadway.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north from Exchange Place showing east side of street. Picture was taken from the second floor fire-escape of No. 53 Bway.
Broadway Series. Showing the east side of Bway looking north from 18th Street. View made from 2nd floor fire escape.
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking north from Spring Street. Prescott Building on corner.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 14th Street Union Square West. Taken during the ice storm of Feb 1920. Picture was taken while standing on one of the piles of ice. Bank of Manhattan in the middle
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from 13th Street. Union Square in distance. Hotel Churchill is at the corner on 14th Street facing the square.
Broadway Series. West side of Broadway looking north from 23rd Street at Madison Square (at right). Picture taken from fire escape on 23rd Street.
Broadway Series. Looking north showing the west side of Broadway from 20th Street. No. 903 is on corner at the left. Flatiron Building is seen in center of picture and a part of Madison Square.
Broadway Series. View showing west side of Bway, looking north from 4th Street. Schulte Cigars and A. Dubois & Son signs are seen on corner at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Franklin Street. East side of Bway. Royal Typewriters on the corner of Franklin at right of picture. Remington Typewriters in center of picture at corner of White S
Broadway Series. View of west side of Broadway, looking north from 10th Street. Picture was taken from Wanamaker's fire escape. St. Denis Hotel is seen at corner of 11th Street.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Broome Street. Princely Mills Building on corner at right. Spring and Prince Streets are seen in distance.
Broadway Series. View of the east side of Bway looking north from 11th Street. Picture was taken from in front of No. 791, which is opposite Grace Church.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north toward Cedar Street. Picture taken while standing in front of Trinity Churchyard. Entrance to Trinity Building at left.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Reade Street. On the far corner is the Tobacco Growers Building, and then follows Brill and Sonora. View was taken from a fire escape, and shows the west side of st