American Surety Building, Broadway & Pine Sts.
Broadway Series. East side of Bway south from Thames Street. First building at the left is No. 120 Equitable Building. To the right is the American Surety Building. The sculptured figures were later r
[Looking across Trinity Churchyard to the American Surety Company Building.]
[Broadway from Trinity Churchyard looking toward Pine Street.]
Broadway Series. Bway looking north toward Cedar Street. Picture taken while standing in front of Trinity Churchyard. Entrance to Trinity Building at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 2nd floor window at corner of Fulton Street. St. Paul's portico at left. Post office at right.
Trinity Building, Trinity Church, American Surety Building New York.
Broadway Series. Broadway looking north from Rector Street. Trinity Church at left. Stood on base of pillar when taking picture. East side of the street is mostly shown. First National Bank at right.
Lower Broadway -- Trinity Church. American Surety Building, New York.
[Broadway and Pine Street, Trinity Churchyard.]
Trinity Building, Trinity Church, American Surety Building, New York.
Broadway Series. East side of street looking north showing almost complete view of St. Paul's Chapel which stands between Fulton and Vesey Streets. Taken from 2nd floor window.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north from Rector Street - same corner as No. 11 but looking down on street from an upper floor of the Empire Building that is on the corner. The steeple of Trinity Chur
Broadway Series. North from Fulton Street showing west side of Bway. St. Paul's Chapel at left - then Astor and Woolworth Buildings. Taken at street level.
American Surety Building & Broadway, N.Y.
Trnity Building, Trinity Church, American Surety Building, New York.
Trinity Church, Lower Broadway, and American Surety Building, New York.
[Alexander Hamilton's grave at Trinity Churchyard.]