Eastern Hotel (on Whitehall and South Streets) #59 to 64.
Broadway Series. East side of Broadway looking north 20th Street. "Hotel" is seen on corner of 21st Street.
Broadway Series. Showing the west side of Broadway from 21st Street, looking north. Flatiron Building is seen between 22nd and 23rd Streets.
Broadway Series. The view shows the street on the east side looking north from Worth Street. The H.D. Dunham Dry Goods Co., (No. 336) is on the corner of the right. Just beyond this is the N.Y. Life I
Broadway Series. Bway looking south from Dey and John Street. Taken from a fire escape - second floor near Fulton St. This picture shows the west side of Bway.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Franklin Street. East side of Bway. Royal Typewriters on the corner of Franklin at right of picture. Remington Typewriters in center of picture at corner of White S
Broadway Series. View looking north from 26th Street showing east side of Broadway.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 29th Street showing the east side of Broadway. Hofbrau House on the right (Janssen's). Grand Hotel at corner of 31st Street, then Imperial and Martinique Hotels bey
Park Avenue, N.Y., looking north from 39th Street, showing west side of street. Murray Hill Hotel and Hotel Belmont are seen at the extreme right.
[Whitehall Street and South Street.]
Broadway Series. Looking north from Vesey Street showing west side of Bway. Astor Building, and Old Astor Hotel on left, then Woolworth Building. Corner of post office shows at right. Street level vie
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking north from Spring Street. Prescott Building on corner.
Broadway Series. West side of street looking north from No. 32 on east side of street.
Greenwich Village, N.Y., showing south side of Bleecker Street between MacDougal (right) and Sullivan Streets.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Broadway looking north from 22nd Street. The low building at the left is No. 942 The American Art Galleries. Madison Square is beyond.
Broadway Series. View looking south from 31st Street (taken from 2nd floor window) showing east side of Broadway. The Grand Hotel is seen at left corner. Hofbrau House (Janssen's) is seen in middle di
Broadway Series. View taken from 2nd floor fire escape of Broadway, looking north from 26th Street, showing east side of Bway.
Broadway Series. East side of Broadway looking south from corner of 11th Street, toward 10th Street showing Grace Church and Wanamaker's, old and new building.
Broadway Series. East side of street looking north showing almost complete view of St. Paul's Chapel which stands between Fulton and Vesey Streets. Taken from 2nd floor window.
West Street looking north from 10th Street. Teams waiting for the Christopher St. ferry.