Broadway Series. Custom House at right. Produce Exchange in center. No. 10 Bway at left. Bowling Green in center foreground.
Broadway Series. Showing entrance to Produce Exchange (Nos. 1-8) looking north. No. 10 Broadway is seen at left. Corner of Beaver Street.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Franklin Street. East side of Bway. Royal Typewriters on the corner of Franklin at right of picture. Remington Typewriters in center of picture at corner of White S
Broadway Series. Bowling Green looking north from El Station platform. International Mercantile Marine Building No. 1 Broadway at left. No. 10 Broadway at right.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green. Taken from Custom House steps. The open space in the center middle distance shows the excavation of the Cunard Building.
Broadway Series. Taken from El Station platform looking north from Bowling Green.
Broadway Series. Looking south from Exchange Place. East side of Bway Custom House on Bowling Green in the distance. Standard Oil Building at left.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green during severe snow-and-ice storm. Corner of Custom House at extreme right. No. 1 Bway at left. Singer Bldg and Woolworth Tower seen in the far distanc
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking north from Spring Street. Prescott Building on corner.
[Corner of Custom House and Produce Exchange facing Bowling Green.]
Broadway Series. Looking north showing the west side of Broadway from 20th Street. No. 903 is on corner at the left. Flatiron Building is seen in center of picture and a part of Madison Square.
Around Bowling Green, Alexander Hamilton United States Custom House on right.
Broadway Series. View of east side of Bway, looking north from Broome Street. Princely Mills Building on corner at right. Spring and Prince Streets are seen in distance.
New York Custom House, Broadway and Bowling Green.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 26th Street showing east side of Broadway.
Broadway Series. View taken at street level looking north from Murray Street, the corner of which is seen at left. No. 249 and Corn Exchange Bank on corner. West side of Bway, facing City Hall Park. T
Broadway Series. Looking north from 111th Street. Two people in foreground. Four tall buildings at left center. Building with 3 balconies is at corner of 112th Street.
[Broadway, north from Bowling Green.]
Broadway Series. View of west side of Bway looking south from Howard St. Fall River Cotton Exchange on corner at right. Canal Street in the middle distance shows the advertising sign of John Drinkwate
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green during severe snow-and-ice storm.