Broadway Series. Custom House at right. Produce Exchange in center. No. 10 Bway at left. Bowling Green in center foreground.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green. Taken from Custom House steps. The open space in the center middle distance shows the excavation of the Cunard Building.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north from Exchange Place showing east side of street. Picture was taken from the second floor fire-escape of No. 53 Bway.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green during severe snow-and-ice storm. Corner of Custom House at extreme right. No. 1 Bway at left. Singer Bldg and Woolworth Tower seen in the far distanc
Standard Oil Building, Bowling Green, New York.
[Around Bowling Green, Standard Oil Building at lower left.]
[Broadway, south from Exchange Place, wing added to the Standard Oil Building.]
Broadway Series. Looking south from Leonard Street, showing the west side of Bway. Picture was taken from a scaffold at the corner of Leonard Street. Woolworth Tower is seen in the distance.
Broadway Series. Bowling Green looking north from Custom House steps. Produce Exchange at right. No. 10 Broadway in center on corner.
Broadway Series. Bowling Green looking north from El Station platform. International Mercantile Marine Building No. 1 Broadway at left. No. 10 Broadway at right.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Liberty Street, showing east side of Bway. Guarantee Trust Company (columns) at right on corner of Maiden Lane.
Broadway Series. West side of street looking north from No. 32 on east side of street.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Vesey Street showing west side of Bway. Astor Building, and Old Astor Hotel on left, then Woolworth Building. Corner of post office shows at right. Street level vie
Broadway Series. East side of Broadway looking south from near the Flatiron Building. At the left is Brooks Bros. old store at the corner of 22nd Street - No. 920.
Broadway Series. Looking north on the west side of Bway. Picture was taken while standing on the corner of Cedar Street, looking toward Liberty at left. No. 149 on corner of Liberty Street.
Broadway Series. Bway looking north toward Cedar Street. Picture taken while standing in front of Trinity Churchyard. Entrance to Trinity Building at left.
Both Sides of Broadway from Bowling Green to Worth Street [Produce Exchange at 2 Broadway and the Standard Oil Building at 26 Broadway.]
Broadway Series. West side of Bway looking south from near Bleecker toward Houston Street. Young's Hats on corner.
Broadway Series. East side of Bway south from Thames Street. First building at the left is No. 120 Equitable Building. To the right is the American Surety Building. The sculptured figures were later r
Broadway Series. Showing the east side of Bway looking north from 18th Street. View made from 2nd floor fire escape.