[5 Spruce Street.]
[Street in Lower Manhattan with the Woolworth Building in the background.]
[Underpass and street in Lower Manhattan.]
[Street and buildings in Lower Manhattan.]
[Street in Lower Manhattan.]
[Castle Clinton and Lower Manhattan skyline from the river.]
The Perforating & Scalloping Paper Co.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Caryl Avenue, city line - Yonkers is beyond where the trolley is. Billboards at right, corner of Caryl Avenue.
[Burling Slip.]
Broadway Series. Looking north from a scaffold at Leonard Street, showing west side of Bway. At the left is shown the corner of Franklin Street, and then a good idea of the building for these blocks f
Beekman Tavern. 64 Beekman Street.
[William Street and John Street.]
Ferdinand Mayer, Practical Lithographer
Spruce Street [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
Eastern Hotel (on Whitehall and South Streets) #59 to 64.
Norman's Steamship and Tourist Office, 1404 Broadway & 39th St.
Broadway Series. View from 3rd floor of St. Paul Building (corner of Vesey) looking north, showing the west side of Bway. Post office at the right. Old Astor Hotel at left, then the Woolworth Building
Broadway Series. Looking north from 14th Street Union Square West. Taken during the ice storm of Feb 1920. Picture was taken while standing on one of the piles of ice. Bank of Manhattan in the middle
Philip Carr, Paper Warehouse