Broadway Series. View looking north from 126th Street where the subway becomes elevated.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 181st Street. Church steeple in far distance. Blue Valley Butter on side of building at right in middle distance.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 118th Street. Columbia University buildings at left. Broadway warehouse in distance looking toward at lights, and where subway comes out from below ground.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 90th Street. Schulte's Cigar sign at left is at corner of 91st Street. At the right is seen farther up the Bonta-Narragansett Hotel between 94th and 95th Streets.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 79th Street. Wood's store is the first tall building on 80th Street, at right. Keith's Theater beyond the low tree. Broadway studio building at left.
Broadway Series. South from 104th Street. 103rd Street subway station in center of picture. The Chepstow at the left.
Broadway Series. View of the west side of Bway, looking north from Howard Street. The Globe-Wernicke Building is No. 451. Grand Street is seen in the middle distance at right.
Broadway Series. Bowling Green looking north from El Station platform. International Mercantile Marine Building No. 1 Broadway at left. No. 10 Broadway at right.
Broadway Series. Looking north, showing west side of street. Picture taken from in front of Marine and Commerce building (No. 32). At the left, where the flag flies over the doorway is No. 41, where s
Broadway Series. Looking south from 130th Street underneath subway. The Manhattan Ave. station is seen in the middle distance.
Broadway Series. View looking south from 215th Street. Willow Tree Inn at left. Isham Park at right.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 215th Street. Garages at left. In the distance is the subway, where it leaves 10th Ave, elevated, and once more meets Broadway, to continue there on to 242nd S
Broadway Series. Looking north from 143rd Street. Subway grating in center of streets.
Broadway Series. Looking north from 147th Street. Walk over subway in center of streets.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Vesey Street showing west side of Bway. Astor Building, and Old Astor Hotel on left, then Woolworth Building. Corner of post office shows at right. Street level vie
Broadway Series. Looking north from 66th Street. Campbell Parlors at right N.G.S.N.Y. Armory in middle distance at right.
Broadway Series. Looking north from in front of the Marine and Commerce Building which is at No. 32 Bway. At the left, where our flag flies is the entrance to No. 41, and where some of the first house
Broadway Series. View looking north from 122nd Street, where the subway comes above ground.
Broadway Series. Looking north from Bowling Green. Taken from Custom House steps. The open space in the center middle distance shows the excavation of the Cunard Building.
Broadway Series. View looking north from 14th Street. Picture taken from scaffold. Union Square West. Metropolitan Life Tower in far distance at extreme right.