Churches, St. Philip's Parish House.
St. Philip's Guild House.
Grace Church.
St. Mary's R.C. Church, Port Richmond N.Y.
Churches, Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Parish House- Madison & 31st St.
Church, St. Bartholomew's, Mad. Ave. & 44th St.
Church, Bethel, 25th St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Building, United States Express (construction) #2 Rector St.
Building, #7 Fifth Ave.
342 Madison Avenue. St. Bartholomew's Parish House.
Building, Madison Ave., 30th St., S.W. corner.
Building, 151-141 West 25th Street.
St. Bartholomew's Church, Street Scene, Madison Ave. West Side of Block Between 43rd & 44th St. from 43rd St.
Building, Witmark & Sons (Music Pub.) 144-146 West 39th Street.
St. Bartholomew's Church, Street Scene, Madison Ave. West Side of Block Between 43rd & 44th St. from 44th St.