910 Northern Boulevard. Wilford automobile sales.
[Proposal for a theater at Northern Boulevard and 26th Street.]
49-10 Northern Boulevard, S.E. corner. General Electric warehouse, front elevation.
MacAvoy Convertible houses 2nd edition, general view.
Northern Boulevard. Truscon Steel Company warehouse and office building, general view of office.
49-10 Northern Boulevard, S.E. corner. General Electric warehouse.
Jackson Heights War Gardens, general view from west end looking east.
[Hayes Boulevard. Apartment buildings.]
Northern Boulevard. Truscon Steel Company warehouse and office building, general exterior from S. W.
165th Street and Northern Boulevard. Howard Johnson's restaurant
The Diplomat Apartments [109-10 Queens Boulevard], general view.
Northern Boulevard between 62nd and 63rd Avenue. Jacoby Bender Inc., watch strap manufacturers, general exterior.
Queens Boulevard. Carrol [Men.?] Apartments, general view of three buildings.
War Gardens at Jackson Heights, general view from east end looking west.
General View from Gardens Showing Rear Court Behind Nos. 132 & 138 Twenty-third Street. Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, L.I.
49-10 Northern Boulevard, S.E. corner. General Electric warehouse, rear and east side loading platforms.
164-11 Northern Boulevard. Seeman Brothers. Interior, showroom