Shore Road and 91st Street. Shore Road Hospital, new operating room, operation, for Dr. Greenfield.
Shore Road Hospital, operating section cabinets.
Shore Road Hospital, view of new operating room with wall cabinet.
Grade Crossing Elimination Shore Road and 88th Street
Shore Road Hospital, interior of supply room.
60 East 91st Street. Residence.
11 East 91st Street. McAlpin Residence, dining room.
11 East 91st Street. Trevor Residence.
58th Street and 1st Avenue. Vulcan Proofing Co.
11 East 91st Street. McAlpin Residence, drawing room.
Shore Road Hospital and the Italian Sunken Gardens at the Shore Road Hospital.
91st Street and 5th Avenue. Kahn residence.
57 East 91st Street. Guy Carey residence
57-61 East 91st Street. Residence.
53 East 91st Street. Mr. Green's residence.
303 West 91st Street. Jowett residence, exterior.
22 East 91st Street. The Spence School
West 91st Street and West End Avenue. Apartment building
West 91st Street between Amsterdam and Broadway. Temple Israel
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Interior, operating room