61-63 and 65-67 Duane Street, corner of Elk Street.
Job at 61-63 and 65-67 Duane Street remodeled some of buildings which we photographed before, see negative 817924.
67 Hudson Street at the corner Jay Street. Hudson Street Hospital.
250 Hudson Street and Broome Street, N.E. corner. Holland Tunnel Plaza.
181-187 Hudson Street at Vestry Street, N.W. corner.
76-78 Varick Street at Grand Street, S.W. corner.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., President Kingsley's private office at S.E. corner.
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, engine room.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building.
54-58 Laight Street and 437-441 Greenwich Street.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building, engine room.
Franklin Street and Varick Street. Francis H. Leggett Co. Building, cellar.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's anteroom.
Hudson Street. Western Union Building, detail of base on Hudson Street.
Baker Smith and Co. heating plant at Washington and Greenwich Street.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's private office.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's private office.
West Broadway and Worth Street. Western Union Building, detail of brick work, Hudson Street Lobby.