9 Gracie Square South.
Gracie Square South. View from roof of doctor's hospital looking south east to show #7 Gracie Square.
7 Gracie Square. Entrance lobby.
7 Gracie Square. Apartments, view from park.
Gracie Square. [View of East River and promenade].
10 Gracie Square, East 84th Street. Apartment building, interior lobby.
7 Gracie Square. Living room in apartment 4A.
10 Gracie Square. Apartment building, view from East River looking west.
7 Gracie Square. Apartment building
10 Gracie Square, East 84th Street. Apartment building, entrance to auto arcade.
10 Gracie Square, East 84th Street. View through window looking N.E. over river.
10 Gracie Square. View south from roof.
[View of park and Gracie Mansion].
10 Gracie Court. Apartment building, exterior.
[7 Gracie Square. Apartment building. View from park.]
190 East End Avenue at 90th Street. View due east of roof deck and Gracie square.
7 Gracie Square. Apartment building. View from park