Looking west on 79th Street from 1st Avenue, showing 308 and 324-332 East 79th Street.
1513 1st Avenue at 79th Street.
177 East 79th Street. Looking north at stucco front to 177 East 79th Street.
125-27 East 79th Street and 128-30 East 80th Street. 129 East 79th Street, looking south at north wall to 129 East 79th Street.
167 East 79th Street.
125-27 East 79th Street and 128-30 East 80th Street. 123 East 79th Street, view looking south at north wall.
325 East 79th Street. Apartments.
79 East 79th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
155 East 79th Street. Schrafft's.
58 East 79th Street. Residence.
309 East 79th Street. Apartments.
109 East 79th Street. Residence.
38 East 79th Street at Madison Avenue. Apartment house.
21 East 79th Street. Apartments, exterior.
21 East 79th Street. Apartment house.
21 East 79th Street. View looking S.W. across park.
13-15 East 79th Street. Residence.
20 East 79th Street. .
15 East 79th Street. Duncan Residence.