584 5th Avenue. Detail of store windows.
548 5th Avenue. Show windows, Sheridan and Co. Store.
590 5th Avenue. Jaeger Store.
475 5th Avenue. Farmers' Loan and Trust, detail 5th Avenue base.
588 5th Avenue. Frank Shoe Store.
590 5th Avenue. Jaeger Store, storefront.
590 5th Avenue. Jaeger Store, interior.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store. Detail of entrance door.
42nd Street and 5th Avenue. Astor Trust Co., detail of interior windows.
39th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Ovington's Store, detail of basement front.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick store. General interior.
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store. Circular showcase.
5th Avenue and 51st Street. Cromwell - Collier Building, view of upper 5th Avenue windows from Best and Co. store.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Detail of building showing window advertising.
608 5th Avenue. Tecla Store, interior at sidewall panels.
36th Street and 5th Avenue, southeast corner. Russeks Store, details of entrance, bronze.
608 5th Avenue. Tecla Store, interior at rear.
608 5th Avenue. Tecla Store, interior at entrance.