Candid Shot, Judging of Competition at the Architectural League of New York, Beaux Arts Institute of Design, Students' Class A Project, Newspaper Plant
304 East 44th Street. Beaux Arts Institute.
215 West 57th Street. Fine Arts Building [Art Students League].
[Institute of Musical Art.]
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Gallery, interior.
Art Students League of New York "Dream Ball" [Men dressed as judges.]
Art Students League of New York "Dream Ball" [People dressed as judges.]
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Statuary Hall, interior.
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, entrance lobby.
Art Students League of New York "Dream Ball" [People dressed as judges on a stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Group dressed as judges.]
Art Student's League (Originally American Fine Arts Society).
Art Students League of New York "Dream Ball" [People dressed as judges sitting on a stage.]
Art Students League of New York "Dream Ball" [Woman at the ball.]
Rendering, accepted design, Museum of the City of New York
Art Students League Ball [Men at a table.]
[Model strike at the Art Students League.]