[Brick building with American flag over doorway, N. 6th Avenue.]
[Room with ceramics.]
[Art salon filled with paintings of flowers.]
[Interior, doorway.]
[Art exhibit.]
11 West 53rd Street. Museum of Modern Art, view of garden from doorway to museum.
Brooklyn Academy of Music, entrance doorway.
[Apartment building with a columned building behind it.]
[Painting with four figures, by Vaillant.]
[Brick building with American Flag.]
Frame with stamps, Statue of Liberty from all over the world.
Mantel and over mantel: white marble with painting, 5th Floor.
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Stewart and Company. Elaborate entrance with ceramic metal plaques
Jackson Heights Apartments. View through doorway into garden
Mantel white marble with blue glass over mantel, 4th Floor.