Workhouse for Men, reception center, view along one wing, north end, maximum detention SN-1 type Bayley windows.
Workhouse for Men, reception center, view along two wings, south end, medium detention SN-2 type Bayley windows.
Workhouse for Men, reception center, horizontal view on wing, S.W. corner.
Rikers Island Prison, Workhouse for Men, reception center, upright view on wing, S.W. corner.
Metropolitan Building, view looking north along roof-houses, etc.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. Interior of ward showing north gable end, view #9B. Taken for Captain Noble.
[Rikers Island penitentiary. Interior, laundry machines.]
Rikers Island penitentiary. Interior, laundry machines
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital No. 1. View #1, north section.
48th Street. Kollsman Instrument Corp., optical department building, general view along north front and west end.
Hunts Point Development, view looking along west bulkhead.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. North section looking East. View #9.
Gun Hill Road. Base Hospital #1. North Section looking East. View #7.