Broadway between 66th Street and 67th Street. Empire Mutual Insurance Building.
66th Street and Broadway. Healy's ranges.
140-142 West 67th Street. Tenement.
29 and 33 West 67th Street. 67th Street Studios.
1961 Broadway at the corner of West 66th Street. Hotel Marie Antoinette.
66th Street and Columbus Avenue. Healy's.
1974-78 Broadway and 67th Street, S.E. corner. Samuel F. Kronsky Building.
66 Central Park West and 66th Street, S.W. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
229-37 and 239-49 West 66th Street. View looking N.W. along north side of 66th Street between Amsterdam and West End Avenue.
50 West 67th Street. Exterior.
27 West 67th Street. Studio building.
10 East 66th Street. Residence.
115 East 67th Street. Lobby.
10 East 67th Street. Residence.
33 East 67th Street. Residence.
East side of Park Avenue, between 67th and 68th Streets. General exterior.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.E. from near 66th Street and Freedom Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.W. from near 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
49 East 67th Street. General exterior.
5th Avenue and 67th Street. Jay Gould residence.