Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.W. from near 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
66th Street to 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Lincoln Towers, view looking N.W. from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking S.E. from near 70th Street, also [showing] Lincoln Center.
Park West Village, aerial view looking N.E. from near 97th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking S.W. from near 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, view looking N.E. from west side of West End Avenue near 67th Street [showing] three main buildings and central garden court.
66th Street to 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Lincoln Towers, view looking west from Hotel Chalfont at the corner of 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
Lincoln Towers, view looking N.W. from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Red Cross Headquarters center, shopping center at right.
66th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartments, general exterior.
229-37 and 239-49 West 66th Street. View looking N.W. along north side of 66th Street between Amsterdam and West End Avenue.
Lincoln Center apartment community, from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam, looking N.W.
66th Street and Columbus Avenue. Healy's Restaurant, view of installation, interior.
66th Street and Columbus Avenue. Healy's.
Park West Village, closer view of three buildings looking N.E. from 97th Street.
Park West Village, aerial view looking N.W. from near 97th Street and Central Park West.
View south from N.E. corner of 106th Street and Broadway.
Park West Village, West View Apartments, view looking N.E. from S.W. corner of 97th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
66th Street and Columbus Avenue. Healy's Restaurant, view of Jungle room.
View of Central Park looking N.E. from 12th floor. N.W. corner of 104th Street.