57th Street and 3rd Avenue, S.E. corner 945-49 3rd Avenue and 204-208 East 57th Street. Commercial and apartment buildings, street scene.
57th Street and 3rd Avenue. Schrafft's Restaurant.
331 Madison Avenue and 43rd Street, S.E. corner. Commercial building.
347 Madison Avenue and 45th Street, S.E. corner. Commercial Building.
953 3rd Avenue and 57th Street. Nineteenth Ward Bank Building.
333 East 57th Street. Apartment building.
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
N.E. corner of 57th Street and 5th Avenue. New York Trust Co., view from S.E. corner of 5th Avenue and 57th Street.
Chrysler Building annex, S.E. looking at 3rd Avenue side.
[444 East 57th Street. Apartment building.]
133 East 55th Street and Lexington Avenue, S.E. corner. Apartment building [view to show] windows.
57th Street and Lexington Avenue, S.E. corner. School of Modern Photography, in Tishman Building, general exterior.
155 East 44th Street and 3rd Avenue, N.W. corner. Commerce Building.
320 East 57th Street. Apartments.
1 Park Avenue at 33rd Street, S.E. corner. Building.
385 5th Avenue and 36th Street, S.E. corner. Office building.
37th Street and 5th Avenue, S.E. corner. Old Tiffany Building.
175 East 33rd Street and 488-96 3rd Avenue, N. W. corner of 3rd Avenue and East 33rd Street. Old buildings.