Schemerhorn Street. Friend's School, 1st grade class in running store.
Brooklyn Friends School [students in a classroom].
Brooklyn Friends School [ice skating].
Friends School, psychoanalyst at work.
Brooklyn Friends School [girl weaving].
Schermerhorn Street. Friends School, roof garden.
110 Schermerhorn Street. Brooklyn Friends School, graduating class, June 4, 1943.
Brooklyn Friends School [children doing building activities in a classroom].
Schermerhorn Street. Friends School, new gymnasium.
Schermerhorn Street. Friends School, general view of school and meeting house.
Brooklyn Friends School [students sitting around a phone].
110 Schermerhorn Street. Friends school, Miss Edsen's art class.
Friends School Field. 3 Buses delivering Junior and Senior High School [students.]
112 Schermerhorn Street. Brooklyn Friends School, group view of lower school teachers.
Brooklyn Friends School [boy painting].