956 Fifth Avenue. Apartments.
956 5th Avenue and 77th Street. Apartment house.
927 Fifth Avenue. Apartments, exterior.
955 Fifth Avenue. Apartment House, drawing.
1107 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building, lobby.
956 5th Avenue and 77th Street. Apartment house, detail of entrance.
1010 Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street. Apartments.
990 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
952 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
929 Park Avenue. Apartments.
1016 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
810 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
920 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
1030 Fifth Avenue and 84th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
965 Fifth Avenue between 77th and 78th Street. Apartments, record photo.
1075 Park Avenue. Apartments.
955 Lexington Avenue. Apartments exterior.
955 5th Avenue. Apartments.
1245 Madison Avenue. Apartments, exterior.