180 West 58th Street. Alwyn Court apartments. View from penthouse of Central Park
180 West 58th Street. Alwyn Court apartment building
180 West 58th Street. Alwyn Court apartment building. Interior, lobby
58th Street and 7th Avenue. Alwyn Court Apartments.
58th Street and 7th Avenue. Alwyn Court, view of Central Park from penthouse.
480 Park Avenue and 58th Street, N.W. corner. Apartment building.
West 58th Street and Seventh Avenue. Alwyn Court with taxi cab
View of Central Park, looking N.W. from Southmor Apartments at 59th Street.
140 West 58th Street. Apartment house.
320 Central Park West. Ardsley Apartments, general view exterior looking N.W. at Central Park front.
West 58th Street. Lafayette Place apartments.
View looking N.W. at 207 West 106th Street.
135 West 58th Street. Apartment House.
West 58th Street. Cochran [Apartments].
5th Avenue West 58th Street. Central Park South. Plaza Hotel, ballroom.
Park Avenue and 54th Street, N.W. corner. Apartment houses.
485 Park Avenue and 58th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building.
5th Avenue West 58th Street. Central Park South. Plaza Hotel, Palm Room.