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51 East 90th Street. Lobby.

51 East 90th Street. Lobby.

14 East 90th Street. Apartments.

14 East 90th Street. Apartments.

60-64 East 90th Street. Apartments, exterior.

60-64 East 90th Street. Apartments, exterior.

11 East 90th Street. General exterior.

11 East 90th Street. General exterior.

242 East 90th Street. Row houses

242 East 90th Street. Row houses

152 East 84th Street. Apartments, lobby.

152 East 84th Street. Apartments, lobby.

115 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby.

115 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby.

115 East 67th Street. Lobby.

115 East 67th Street. Lobby.

33 East 70th Street. Lobby, ground floor.

33 East 70th Street. Lobby, ground floor.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of Heavenly Rest, organ.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of Heavenly Rest, organ.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of the Heavenly Rest.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of the Heavenly Rest.

70 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby remodeled.

70 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby remodeled.

1120 Park Avenue and 90th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments.

1120 Park Avenue and 90th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of the Heavenly Rest.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Console in Church of the Heavenly Rest.

621 Columbus Avenue and 90th Street. Apartments.

621 Columbus Avenue and 90th Street. Apartments.

Broadway and 90th Street. Standard Theatre.

Broadway and 90th Street. Standard Theatre.

215 East 79th Street. Apartment building, elevator lobby.

215 East 79th Street. Apartment building, elevator lobby.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Church of Heavenly Rest, general exterior from park.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Church of Heavenly Rest, general exterior from park.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Church of Heavenly Rest, general exterior from park.

90th Street and 5th Avenue. Church of Heavenly Rest, general exterior from park.

12 East 86th Street. Croydon Hotel, lobby, center seat.

12 East 86th Street. Croydon Hotel, lobby, center seat.

51 East 90th Street. Lobby.

Accession number X2010.7.1.13030 
Unique identifier MNY246586 
Dated 5/4/1943 
Physical dimensions Width: 10 in
Height: 8 in 
Signif Assoc Duff Conger, Inc.
File dimensions 17.4 in × 21.4 in at 300dpi
44.2 cm × 54.4 cm at 300dpi 

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