Two story factory building, drawing by Stokes.
385 Gerard Avenue. Standard Unbreakable Watch Crystals, Inc., drawing of two story factory building by George Scheffler.
[Drawing of a twelve-story building.]
Watchtower Bible Society reception room, drawing by Stokes.
Watchtower Bible Society assembly hall, drawing by Stokes.
F.W. Woolworth warehouse, color drawing by Stokes.
[Factory building.]
Detail of entrance to Watchtower Bible Society, drawing by Stokes.
Twelve story block front building, California [California Building?], pencil line drawing.
Proposed building for L. A. Dreyfus Co., rendering by Stokes.
[Factory building, structure on roof.]
Watercolor rendering of factory building.
Proposed dress factory for Beberman Bros., copy of wash drawing by Swit.
[Rendering of a factory building.]
Rendering of summer cottage by Stokes.
[Factory building, machinery on roof.]
Two six-story concrete warehouses, watercolor rendering by Foulds
Rendering of twelve-story apartment building by Watkeys.
Commercial building, lower stories