Two story factory building, drawing by Stokes.
385 Gerard Avenue. Standard Unbreakable Watch Crystals, Inc., drawing of two story factory building by George Scheffler.
[Factory building.]
[Drawing of a twelve-story building.]
Watchtower Bible Society reception room, drawing by Stokes.
Watchtower Bible Society assembly hall, drawing by Stokes.
F.W. Woolworth warehouse, color drawing by Stokes.
Detail of entrance to Watchtower Bible Society, drawing by Stokes.
Watercolor rendering of factory building.
Twelve story block front building, California [California Building?], pencil line drawing.
Rendering of twelve-story apartment building by Watkeys.
Park Avenue and 38th Street. Colored drawing, office building about 45 stories.
Building. Construction view, upper stories
Proposed building for L. A. Dreyfus Co., rendering by Stokes.
Proposed dress factory for Beberman Bros., copy of wash drawing by Swit.
Two six-story concrete warehouses, watercolor rendering by Foulds
[Rendering of a factory building.]
[Factory building, machinery on roof.]
[Lower stories of Mobil Building.]