1790 Broadway at 58th Street, S.E. corner. West Side Federal Savings and Loan Association.
58th Street and Broadway. U.S. Rubber Co.
1978 Broadway at the S.E. corner of West 67th Street. R. Simpson and Co. Building.
Broadway at the S.E. corner of 105th Street. Apartment house.
1974-78 Broadway and 67th Street, S.E. corner. Samuel F. Kronsky Building.
West End Avenue at the S.E. corner of 105th Street. General exterior.
96th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
West 89th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
98th Street at the S.E. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house, bathroom.
73rd Street at the S.W. corner of Broadway. U.S. Mortgage and Trust Co.
West 58th Street. Cochran [Apartments].
86th Street and Broadway, N.E. corner. Bank for Savings, at front.
98th Street at the S.E. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house.
898 West End Avenue, S.E. corner at 104th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
98th Street at the S.E. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house, dining room.
98th Street at the S.E. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house, living room.
Riverside Drive and 100th Street, S.E. corner. General exterior.
West End Avenue and 94th Street, S.E. corner. Apartment house.
890 West End Avenue and 104th Street, S.E. corner. Apartments, lobby.