270 Madison Avenue. National Starch Products Co., laboratory.
270 Madison Avenue. National Starch Products Co., three pictures of laboratories.
270 Madison Avenue. National Starch Products Co. research department.
270 Madison Avenue #270. Gera Mills showroom.
270 Madison Avenue. Final view, general exterior.
231 Madison Avenue. National Lutheran Council.
270 Madison Avenue.
200 Madison Avenue. Cutler Mail Chute Co., single box Inter..
270 Madison Ave. New York.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, hall. Top floor, view at N.W. corner.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, first floor. Dining room, view at north wall.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, hall. Top floor, view at N.E. corner.
285 Madison Avenue. 13th floor, view east through east wing, 12:38pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 13th floor, looking north through west wing, 12:46pm.
285 Madison Avenue. 14th floor, east wing, view east through center section.
285 Madison Avenue. 12th floor, looking at east wing, 1:17pm.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, first floor hall, view looking N.E.
303 Madison Avenue. The Riker Residence, third floor. Front bedroom, N.W. corner.