40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front.
[11 West 57th Street. Juilliard residence.]
322 East 57th Street. Apartment building
East 57th Street and Park Avenue. Mayfair Apartment House
East 57th Street and Park Avenue. The Mayfair Apartments
15 East 57th Street. R. [Richard] T. Wilson Jr.'s residence.
[444 East 57th Street. Apartment building.]
130-140 West 57th Street. Duplex apartments.
[39 East 57th Street.]
12 East 57th Street. Durand-Ruel Building.
218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations
130-140 West 57th Street. Duplex Studio Apartments.
225 West 57th Street. General exterior.
11 West 57th Street. Juilliard residence.
[40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front.]
57th Street and 7th Avenue. The Osborne.
218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, after alterations
West 57th Street. Apartment house near Lotus Club.
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
221-223 West 57th Street. Scarboro Mansion Apartment house.