355 Lexington Avenue and 40th Street, N.E. corner. General exterior [to show] windows.
66th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartments, general exterior.
East 40th Street between 3rd and Lexington Avenue, south side. General exterior.
477 Madison Avenue and 51st Street, N.E. corner. General view [to show windows].
N.E. corner 40th Street and Madison Avenue. [Architectural model of a building.]
22nd Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Domestic Relations Court, general exterior.
635 Madison Avenue and 59th Street, N.E. corner. [Building, view to show windows].
943 Lexington Avenue at 69th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
21 East 40th Street at the N.W. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
11th Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street. United Parcel Service Building, general exterior view [to show steel windows] looking N.E. to 43rd Street.
673 5th Avenue at the N.E. corner of 53rd Street. General exterior.
485 Park Avenue and 58th Street, N.E. corner. Apartment building.
477 Madison Avenue at 51st Street, N.E. corner. Detail of lower stories [to show windows].
57th Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Central Presbyterian Church, general exterior.
48th Street and Lexington Avenue. Hotel Barclay, general exterior.
641 Lexington Avenue and 54th Street, N.E. corner. Saturday Evening Post Building, general view looking up.