East 86th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, interior view looking N.E..
East 86th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, exterior view from N.E..
East 86th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, interior, bird's-eye looking south.
86th Street and Broadway, N.E. corner. Bank for Savings, at front.
86th Street and Broadway, N.E. corner. Bank for Savings branch, interior towards rear.
110-18 East 86th Street. Progress view.
110 E. 86th Street. View of sheath piling along 86th Street sidewalk.
110 E. 86th Street. [View of construction].
110-18 East 86th Street.
544 East 86th Street. Apartments, penthouse 14E, looking N.E..
47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank, general view of lobby looking N.E.
144 East 86th Street. Chatham and Phenix National Bank.
110-18 East 86th Street. Exterior view construction.
East 86th Street. View of sump hole, full.