Theatre, Weber's Joe, B'way & 29th Street. heatre, Weber's Joe, B'way & 29th Street. [Bert Levey and Joe Weber]
Theatre, Weber's Joe, B'way & 29th Street.heatre, Weber's Joe, B'way & 29th Street. [Bert Levey and Joseph Weber.]
Theatre, Weber's Joe, B'way & 29th Street.
Hotel Gilsey Hous, Broadway & 29th Street Northeast corner.
Residence, Joe Weber of (Weber & Fields).
Theatre, Wallack's & Palmer's B'way & 30th Street.
Theatrical, Castle Square Opera Co. Crowds at B'way Theatre.
Hotel Gilsey House, Broadway & 29th Street Northeast corner.
Theatre, Music Hall, Koster & Bials, 34th Street & B'way.
Fifth Avenue and 28th-29th Street.