Charities, Bide-A-Wee Home for Animals.
Bide A Wee.
[Free Shower Bath for Horses.]
Brooklyn Home & Training School for Girls, Exterior, Gate & Main Entrance, Building.
Schools, Brooklyn Training School & Home for Young Girls.
The Brooklyn Training School & Home for Girls, 1483 Pacific Exterior of Building from Street.
B'klyn Training School & Home for Young Girls, Bldgs. from Roof Across the Street.
[Horse with a trainer at a circus.]
N.Y. Ass'n. for the Blind, Interior, Group of Three, Wrapping Up Work for Home Worker.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 50 Year Club
B'klyn Training School & Home for Young Girls, Playground.
Race Tracks, Race Horses.
[New York Association for the Blind, Workshop for Blind Men.]
Y.W.C.A. Building, Margaret Louisa Home.