En Route Service, Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Interior, Looking Toward Rear of Store.
En Route Service, Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Interior, Looking from Rear of Store.
En Route Service, Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Exterior.
En Route Service, Savoy-Plaza Hotel.
[Hotels, Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Fifth Ave. & 59th St.]
Hotel Plaza, Southwest Corner of 59th Street & Fifth Ave.
[Plaza Hotel from Central Park.]
[Hotel Plaza, Southwest Corner of 59th Street & Fifth Ave.]
Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 59 to 58 Sts.
Parade, Columbus Celebration, Princess Eulalia of Spain (Savoy H.).
[Roosevelt Hospital, 59th St. & Columbus Ave., Interior, Patients Recieving Social Service Assistance.]
59th Street South and Entrance to Park. [Fifth Avenue and 59th Street Looking Southeast from the Plaza Hotel.]
Park & Tilford, B'way & 40th St. [?].
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 60 to 59 Sts.
Savoy & Plaza Hotels.
Fifth Avenue and 59th street - The Plaza.
Hotels, Savoy-Plaza Hotel, Fifth Ave. & 59th St.
Central Park Plaza