Calvary M.E. Church. University Ave. and 177 St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. Church Auditorium looking West
West 137th Street. Mother of Zion M.E. Church. Exterior
West 104th Street. Christ M.E. Church interior.
West 48th Street. Union M.E. Church.
Madison Ave. M.E.
Union M.E.
Chelsea M.E. Church
M.E. Church. Cornerstone laying ceremony for apartments
Grace M.E. Church
Mother of Zion M.E. Church. W. 137 St. N.Y.C. Corner-Stone
Mother of Zion M.E. Church. West 137 St. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. at hole in rear South Wall of Church Auditorium
Mother of Zion M.E. Church W. 137 St. N.Y.C. Scaffold inside Auditorium from N.E. looking S.W.
John Street M.E. Church
Mother of Zion M.E. Church. West 137 St. N.Y.C. Church Auditorium from N.W. looking S.E. at South end and showing [...]
851 Prospect Avenue. Prospect Theatre interior.