Library, Book Lovers Library.
Mrs. L. Carter, Library.
Plays, "Lovers' Lane".
Italia-America Shipping Corp., S.S. "Roma", Pier 97 North River, Interior, First Class, Library and Writing Room.
Interiors, Miss Dodd, Library.
Fisk & Robinson, Library.
Hamburg-American Line--North German Lloyd, S.S. "Reliance", Interior, Library.
[Interiors, Olcott, Library.]
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Library.]
Lloyd Sabaudo Line, S.S. "Conte Rosso", Col Serrati, Interior, the Library.
Plays, "The Forest Lovers".
M.S. "Noordam" Foot of 5th St., Hoboken, N.J., One Class, "Tourist" Interior, Library & Writing Room.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, library.
Residences, Mrs. Helen Terry Potter, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Christ's Church, Library.
[Interiors, Miss N. Munroe, Library.]