Old Tavern
The Peweter Mug Tavern, 1860
The Croton Cottage, Fifth Ave. and 40th Street, 1865
[East 86th Street.]
Hellgate Ferry, 86th Street
Greetings from 86th St. Brauhaus, 249 East 86th St., N.Y.C.
[103 East 86th Street.]
[North side of 86th Street.]
"Old Tom's" and the "Crooked Stoop"
Greetings from 86th St. Brauhaus, N. Y.
[YMCA on 86th Street.]
[47 West 86th Street.]
Proctor's 86th Street Theatre
[519-525 East 86th Street]
[204-206 East 86th Street]
105-109 East 86th Street. Apartment house.
[167 East 86th Street]
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, bar and lounge
520 East 86th St.