Broadway at the S.W. corner of West 141st Street. Ellerslie Court Apartments North.
West 141st Street at the S.E. corner of Amsterdam Avenue. Chatham Court Apartment House.
West 179th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
West 141st Street at the corner of Broadway. Rockclyffe Apartments.
Broadway at tbe N.E. corner of 123rd Street. The Regent Apartment House.
3505 Broadway at the corner of West 143rd Street. Apartment house.
605-607 West 141st Street. General exterior.
West 152nd Street at the N.E. corner St. Nicholas Avenue. Apartment house.
Broadway at the N.W. corner of West 140th Street. Ellerslie Court Apartments South
West 135th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
180 Claremont Avenue at the N.E. corner of West 125th Street. The Springfield Apartment House.
North West Corner of Broadway and 141st St., New York.
Broadway at the N.E. corner of 88th Street. Apartment house.
136th Street at the corner of Broadway. The William Henry Apartment House.
Broadway at the corner of West 162nd Street. Apartment house.
Convent Avenue at the S.E. corner of West 149th Street. Emsworth Hall Apartment House.
215 West 101st Street, corner Broadway. Apartment house, Chepston.
615 West 162nd Street at the N.E. corner of Ft. Washington Avenue. Yorktown Court Apartment House.
East 30th Street at the N.E. corner of Third Avenue. Megantic Apartment House [with saloon on the ground floor].