Brick Presbyterian.
[First] Presbyterian Church. Screen.
[First] Presbyterian Church. Pulpit.
Brick Church.
[First] Presbyterian Church. Chancel pulpit closeup.
[First] Presbyterian Church. Pulpit and window.
[First] Presbyterian Church. Door and gates, detail of screen.
Street Scenes, 1987, Fifth Ave. W. Side No. from 55th St. (Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church).
[First] Presbyterian Church. Chancel from left.
Churches, Church of the Heavenly Rest.
Churches, Grace Church.
Church, Little Church Around the Corner.
Grace Church.
Street Scenes - 1897. West 42nd St. Bet. 5th & 6th. 29 West 42nd St. - West Presbyterian Church.
Church of the Heavenly Rest.
The Little Church Around the Corner.