Shively sanitary tenement, rendering.
Watercolor rendering of apartment house.
Proposed manufacturing buildings, watercolor rendering.
Watercolor rendering of new Masonic Temple.
11-19 West 19th Street. Watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley dated 1903.
410 Park Avenue. Apartment house, watercolor rendering.
Woolworth Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley.
Watercolor rendering, sketch for seven-story building.
[Backyards of tenements.]
South Brooklyn. Ridder Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1912.
Park Avenue. Residence, watercolor rendering.
Doty refrigerating building. Watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1912.
Watercolor rendering of the 61st Precinct Station House.
Bowling Green. U.S. Custom House, watercolor rendering by Ira W. Hoover.
West 77th Street. Manhattan Square Studios, watercolor rendering by William Sanger, 1907.
Building, rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1910.
60 Liberty Street. Watercolor rendering.
Kuhn-Loeb Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1902.
Nine-story building, pencil rendering by [T.W.?] Cross.