Langston Hughes.
Busboy Langston Hughes, Junior Hostess Tessy Keane, U.S. Sailor Andy Mann, Canadian Sailor J.H. Keller (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Langston Hughes, Junior Hotess Tessy Keane and Senior Hostess Helen Ford (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Langston Hughes, Senior Hostess Helen Ford and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
The opening of the James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection of Negro Arts and Letters at Yale University.
Hugh Laing.
Busboy Langston Hughes, Junior Hostess Ruth Last, U.S.C.G. Frank Piro (Killer Joe) and US Sailor Andy Mann (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Langston Hughes, Junior Hostess Tessy Keane, U.S. Sailor Andy Mann, Senior Hostess Helen Ford, Private First Class Herbert Coburn and Canadian Sailor J.H. Keller (Stage Door Canteen).
Witter Bynner.
Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Sinclair Lewis.
Zoe Akins.
Theodore Dreiser.