Ferries, Staten Island Ferry, Whitehall Street.
Staten Island Ferry 1901.
Italia-America Line, Exterior Whitehall Street Side.
Staten Island Ferry Boat.
Street Scenes, Long Island City.
Italia-America Line, Exterior of 1 State Street, Whitehall St. Side of Bldg.
One Hundred Years - Safety, Strength, Speed
Staten Island Ferry Boat "Mary Murray".
Lloyd-Sabaudo Line, Bldg., 3 State St.
Ferrie boats, John G. McCullough Erie.
Staten Island Ferry
Ferries, Crowded Ferry Boat, Ferry Boat in Winter.
Whitehall Street and Bridge Street.
Skyline of New York City from Staten Island, Ferry Boat.
[Staten Island Ferry.]
Ships, Italian American Line Offices.
From Staten Island Ferry