Building, Bush, 130 West 42nd Street.
[Bush Terminal Building, 130 West 42nd Street.]
Building, Bush, 130 West 42nd Street Bet. 6th Ave. & B'way.
View Feb. 21, 1938 S.E. from 43rd St. W. of 6th Ave.
Buildings, 50 East 42nd Street.
Elevated Railroads, South from Elevated Station, 6th Avenue & 42nd Street.
Theatre, New Amsterdam, 42nd Street.
[Union Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd St.]
Buildings, Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.
Buildings, Bankers' Trust Co., Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street.
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
[50 East 42nd Street.]
[West 42nd Street Looking East from 42nd Street Ferry.]
Street Scenes - 1897. West 42nd St. Bet. 5th & 6th. 29 West 42nd St. - West Presbyterian Church.
[Grand Central Terminal, Looking North from 42nd Street.]