Auto Race New York-Paris, Times Sq. Feb 12, 1908, Hotel Astor.
Auto Race New York -- Paris Times Sq. Feb. 12, 1908. [Times Square 1908 Northwest from 43rd Street.]
Auto Race - N.Y. to Paris, Feb 12, 1908 Times Sq. No. from 42nd St.
Autos, Auto Show, Hotel Astor.
Auto Show, Hotel Astor, Broadway & 45th Street.
Auto, Chicago to New York (Belt drive).
Longacre Square & Hotel Astor
Hotel Astor, Feb. 1905, Theatrical Managers.
[Hotel Astor, Feb. 1905, Theatrical Managers.]
Hotel Astor
Hotels, Hotel Astor.
Woman on End of Transcontinental Auto Tour, 1899.
Hotel Astor, Exterior, Bldg. and roof garden scenes.
Hotel Astor.