Interior, Group, Women's Sewing Circle, 157 East 94th Street.
Interior, 115 E. 101st St., Childrens' Sunday School Class.
Interior, Group, Rodeph Sholom Sisterhood, 157 E. 94, Men's Americanization Class.
Interior, Group, Rodeph Sholom Sisterhood, 157 E. 94, Women's Sewing Circle.
Education, Sewing Class, Christ Church.
Interior, Group, Rodeph Sholom Sisterhood, 157 E. 94, Women's Americanization Class.
Military, World War I, Women's Sewing and Americanization Class.
Christ Church.
Interior, Group Children's Sewing Class at N.Y. Public Library, 224 East 125 St.
Children in Gotham Court "Sewing school at the agent's".
Saint Thomas.
Nursery Children playing in background.
Education, Christ Church Cooking Class.
Veith [Residence], 67 E 86th St.
Park Avenue between East 94th and 95th Street. Apartment building