Representation a Feu Terrible a Nouvelle Yorck
La Destruction de la Statue Royale a Nouvelle Yorck
L'Entré Triumphale de Troupes Royales a Nouvelle Yorck
Debarquement des Troupes Engloises a Nouvelle Yorck
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck. Die Zerstörung der königlichen Bild säule zu Neu Yorck
Vue de la Nouvelle Yorck
La Nouvelle Yorck
Débarquement des Troupes Angloises à Nouvelle Yorck
L'Arrive du Prince Quillaume Henry a Nouvelle York
The Cats - Paw.
This Plan of the City of New York (within the Palisades which were erected in the year 1745) was made for the purpose of shewing the progress and extent of the Great Fire which happened in the year 17
A Key to the Print of the Great Fire of the City of New York
View of the Great Conflagration of Dec. 16th and 17th 1835 From Coenties Slip.
View of the Ruins After The Great Fire of New York Decr. 16th & 17th 1835
A Great Fire in New-York.