Kerr Steamship Co., 17 Battery Place, Interior, General Offices Looking Towards Door.
Kerr Steamship Co., 17 Battery Place, Interior, General Offices from Door.
Kerr Steamship Co., 17 Battery Place, Interior, Corridor Entrance.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Executive Offices, Third Floor, Mr. Blake.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Executive Offices, Third Floor, Sir Ashley Sparks' Room.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Mr. Cook and Mr. Blake's Room Looking South.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Mr. Cook and Mr. Blake's Room Looking North.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Mr. Cook and Mr. Blake's Room Looking North East.
Bolognesi, Hartfield & Co., Steamship Agents for Italian Line, 50 Wall St.
The Cosulich Line, 17 Battery Place, Interior, Freight Office.