"Magic Garden"
Drawing of General Electric building plan, showing services under garden terrace
Domestic Utilities Building and Plan
Perspective drawing and plan of interior space for U.S.Lines
Plan - [Court of the States Buildings]
Rendering of Perisphere Interior (Theme Exhibit)
Ford Pavilion garden plan
Plan of General Electric Building
First floor plan of building located between Street of Wheels and Main Street
Design for Hall of Music
Theatre and Concert Hall, front, side, and rear elevation
[Twin light tower outside the Hall of Special Events]
Plan of the Electrical Production Building
Small House - Model Village - preliminary scheme for sales survey
Small house - Model Village preliminary scheme for sale survey
Last Week of the 1940 Fair [Night at the Trylon and Perisphere.]
A.C. Gilbert & Co. Exhibit - plans of building and space, Robert Heller designer
View of Administration Building
Subsidiaries Exhibits
[Colored drawing of views of concession stands, New York World's Fair].