Battery Park
[People sitting at the Battery, Castle Garden in view]
At the Battery
Eagle Brewery
[Looking south from the Battery to Governors Island.]
Broadway from the Battery
"New Amsterdam Today", view of the Battery [canal barges in the foreground, tall buildings behind]
In the Gully Looking Out [Winter scene in the park]
Skyline from St. Paul's Church to the Battery
The Battery [from the harbor, close-up]
In Central Park
Mansion at Bronx Park
[Horse and sleigh in Central Park]
[Benjamin Franklin statue opposite City Hall, milk cart sitting adjacent]
Union Square Park, 4th Ave. and 17th St.
Sleighing in Central Park
"Clearance Building" [under construction, pedestrians looking on]
Aerial view from Fulton Street looking north
Central Park Police
Rustic Archway, Central Park