New York Association for the Blind.
New York Association for the Blind, Group of Three, Blind Teacher and Boy and Girl Playing Piano.
Association for the Blind, Typewriting Class, Three Girls and Teacher.
New York Association for the Blind, Group of 3, Miss Harding Instructing Violin and Cello Players.
New York Association for the Blind, Girls in Gymnasium.
New York Association for the Blind, Girl at Piano Receiving Instruction.
New York Association for the Blind, Woman Teaching Man Braille.
N.Y. Assoc. for the Blind, Boys Being Read to by Blind Teacher.
New York Association for the Blind, Group of Two, Colored Woman Receiving Instruction at Home by White Teacher.
New York Association for the Blind, Children Having Rhythm Exercise.
New York Asso. for the Blind, Group of 2, Teacher, Giving Woman Instruction.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Group of Two, Home Instruction.
New York Assoc. for the Blind, Colored Woman Receiving Home Sewing Lesson from Visiting Teacher.
New York Assoc. for the Blind, Exterior, Blind Boys in Swimming Pool.
New York Association for the Blind, Interior, Nursery, Boy & Girl with Doll.
New York Association for the Blind, Home Teaching, Group of 2, Braille.